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Supporting Home Learning
Resources for Supporting Home Learning
There are lots of websites to support home learning across the whole curriculum. Here are few that come recommended by parents and educators you may find useful.
Oxford Owl Library The virtual library is stocked with books for primary school children of all reading levels, including books from reading schemes like Biff and Chip and Read Write Inc Phonics. There are also books for independent reading.
Demystifying Primary School Jargon! One of the trickiest things about supporting your child’s home learning - whether you're helping with homework or facing school closures again - is making sense of what they’re learning at school. Many of the terms they use are unfamiliar (fronted adverbials, anyone?), which is where TheSchoolRun comes in.
Daily Lessons BBC Bitesize has a huge range of online lessons in English and maths, tailored to your child’s key stage. You can use these to supplement what your child is learning at school, or to keep them learning if they're off school for any reason.
Online Games Children learn best if they’re enjoying themselves, which is why we love Topmarks: a website full of fantastic maths games for children aged three to 14.
ICT skills - coding Blockly Games introduces children to the basics of computer coding through interactive games.
Learning and Playing - Make Time to Play Learning isn’t all about sitting at the table with pencil and paper; there’s a lot that kids can learn through play, too.
Safe Search Engine Keeping kids safe online is a priority for every parent, especially as a few wrong clicks could lead them to seriously unsuitable content.
Broadening Horizons TED is renowned for its short, informative and powerful talks on a huge range of subjects – and TED-Ed is its youth and education initiative, bringing new ideas to children from primary age u