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Castleton CE Primary School

Learning Through Enjoyment

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At Castleton we use Little Wandle as our phonics and reading scheme in EYFS and KS1.


Through the English Hubs Programme, seven key features have been identified as characterising phonics teaching in highly successful schools, no matter which validated programme is being used.

These are:

• direct teaching in frequent, short bursts

• consistency of approach

• secure, systematic progression in phonics learning

• maintaining pace of learning

• providing repeated practice

• application of phonics using matched decodable books

• early identification of children at risk of falling behind, linked to the provision of effective keep-up support.


The Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised include all of these aspects within their teaching programme in order to enable all children to gain the skills needed to read.

You can find our schools Phonics and early reading policy by following this link:
